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Become an Outdoor Contributor for Hunt Peak

Interested in becoming a Hunt Peak contributor?

We are always looking to add quality members to the Hunt Peak team. If you're interested in writing, creating gear reviews, or any other type of content creation, read below. We outline 5 reasons why it's a great idea.

  1. Share Your Knowledge and Highlight Your Expertise: All of the Hunt Peak readers are enthusiasts like you. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or you’re just passionate about hunting and have a lot to say, our readers are interested in your viewpoint and so are we. This is a place where you can display your thoughts, share the wisdom of your mistakes, or just recount a favorite hunting story. If you’ve got an original take, we want to hear it!
  2. Your Topic, Your Choice: When you write for Hunt Peak, you get to choose what you want to say, we’re just the platform to display it for you. Reach a large audience on any topic you’re passionate about, as long as it relates to our niche!
  3. Connect with the Community: Every reader is a fellow hunter, fishermen, or outdoor enthusiast, like you. You can share your knowledge while becoming more connected with those around you. Create bonds, become a trusted name, and exchange insights with others who share your hunting passion.
  4. Learn From Us: When you write for Hunt Peak, you’re likely to become familiar with our other writings. This gives you a chance to read from fellow hunting experts, get advice on how you can compose your articles, and connect with those who are doing what you do.
  5. Further Develop Your Writing Career: A writer’s career is composed of a long portfolio of previously written articles. This means the more you write, the larger the portfolio you curate, the more others will want to work with you. Showcase a published article (or a few!) by submitting with us. The best part is, we love working with familiar writers, so if you’re a good match, we’ll reach out to you with future topics!

What we're looking for

  1. Knowledge and Passion: Our writers should be both passionate about hunting and knowledgeable about the activity, laws, and community. Whether you’re writing some gear reviews or you’re recounting a trip that imparts wisdom for future hunters, you should be able to accurately reflect a general knowledge of hunting and its requirements.
  2. Talent at the Keyboard: We’re not asking anyone to be the next best author, but you should know your way around a keyboard and have a general understanding of grammar, spelling, and structure. We don’t want to endlessly edit submissions to find the story underneath, so take your time to compose something great that we can minimally edit and get out to our readers.
  3. Relatable: While we want to focus on education and new information, reading a textbook isn’t fun for anyone. Make sure that your article is relatable and entertaining. A combination of jargon and casual conversation tones can really pull the audience in, so make it your mission to not only showcase your experience but connect with the reader so they feel familiar with you and your story.
  4. New Take: We’re always looking for fresh ideas, and we want to hear what hasn’t been said. If you notice your opinions haven’t been seen yet, it’s time to write them down! From fresh takes on old news to new insights on emerging trends, we’re interested in unique voices to add to our site.

Ready to get started?

If you think you’d be a good match writing for us, get in touch today!

Email us at and send along your topic idea(s) and two writing samples from previous work that are at least 500 words each.

We look forward to hearing from you!